Letter to Irish Times: Seanad Election – University Seats

Letter to Irish Times: Seanad Election – University Seats

Sir, – Brendan Wright highlights what is clearly unfair and unjust about the Seanad Election.

Writing to your paper on January 30th 2002, I said “it is a highly undemocratic way of electing members of a chamber that has an important role in our democracy”.  I also went on to say “the idea that only university graduates should have a vote, when many of the PAYE workers who paid their taxes to subsidise their education are excluded, seems quite indefensible”.

 My views firmly remain the same 23 years on.  Yours, etc,


Director of Services

Alice Leahy Trust

Dublin 8

Letter to The Irish Times: Social Media and Social Isolation

Sir, –  Breda O’Brien (“Friendship beats Bluesky for your mental health”, Opinion & Analysis, November 30th) points to an important issue: “Today our troubles stem from the inability to sit and quietly chat in the same room with someone.”

This is increasingly noticeable in the delivery of public services and is sadly creeping into the NGO sector. Ticking the box, aided by the computer screen, while even avoiding eye contact, is further isolating fellow human beings, and those giving time in delivery of much-needed services can find themselves being accused of wasting valuable time.

Tony Gill, a street poet who rests in our plot in Glasnevin Cemetery, wrote:

“Today I spoke to no one,

And nobody spoke to me.

Am I dead?”

Yours, etc,


Director of Services,

Alice Leahy Trust,

Dublin 8.

Deaths of homeless people in Dublin

Letter to The Irish Times, 23 Oct 2024

Sir, – Reading of the deaths of 40 people so far this year who were homeless in Dublin makes for sad reading (News, October 22nd).

Some of those people were known to us. In spite of the efforts of so many from the NGO and statutory sector and their families, their lives ended while homeless in our capital city. This points to the complexities of homelessness, which is so often seen as being just a housing problem alone. This poses challenges, difficult to understand and therefore difficult to address.

May all those who have died now rest in peace and their families be comforted in the knowledge that while they were living in some cases far from “home” were in touch with services.

Yours etc.


Director of Services

Alice Leahy Trust

Dublin 8