
  • Brendan Corrigan
  • Mark Duff
  • Lisa Hackett
  • Alice Leahy, Director of Services.
  • Jeanette O’Brien
  • Karen Fenlon Ryan


  • Catherine Cleary
  • Louis Copeland
  • Joe Gannon
  • Sean Hosford, Treasurer
  • Alice Leahy, Director of Services
  • Michael Trainor
  • Maol Muire Tynan, Chairperson


  • Noel Byrne

The above volunteers work in the Centre during the week however a large number of people from all sections of the community collect and deliver clothes, toiletries, food etc. and for that we are extremely grateful.

The work of TRUST is made possible by the enormous support in so may ways from all sectors of the community country wide, statutory and voluntary bodies, Church and business groups. and too many to mention individually.  The generosity and goodwill of people enable us to provide our service with emphasis on hospitality in our Centre rented from The Iveagh Trust in the heart of The Liberties – a daily reminder that people have gone before us.

Fresh fruit and bread and all kinds of food stuffs together with good quality clothes enable us to provide approximately 250/400 outfits of clothes (per month) to people, all part of our holistic health service and primary care commitment.

We acknowledge those who send us money (all receipted and acknowledged), cards and letters. Accounts audited annually. TRUST is not proactively involved in fundraising and therefore doesn’t post requests for money.  We are daily reminded sometimes in the post of our animal friends ensuring that people who visit us with their pets are made welcome.

The work of TRUST is multifaceted and difficult to describe at times. A lot of time is spent dealing with queries over the phone, not always related to our work.  Frequently we are contacted for advice on how to access general services, some queries from people who have experienced homelessness.  Frequently, anxious members of the public contact us about family members they have lost contact with and others concerned about people they notice on the streets.

I would like to acknowledge formally the support of our Trustees, staff and volunteers and particularly the people we work with who challenge and inspire in equal measure.

Alice Leahy
Director of Services