Alice Leahy receiving the Award from Headmaster Gerry Foley with P.J. McAllister, Chairman of the Belvedere Union and College Rector Fr. Derek Cassidy S.J.
ALICE LEAHY, Director and Cop-Founder of TRUST was presented with the 2003 Belvedere Justice Award by the President of the Belvedere College Union at a special function on Friday, November 14 2003 as “someone who has worked tirelessly for the underprivileged and the homeless for over 30 years.”
P.J. McAllister, the President of the Belvedere College Union in describing Alice’s unique contribution paid special tribute to the philosophy of TRUST which treats people as people and noted that “above all, people are met like any other human being when they visit TRUST and nobody is labelled.”
In responding at the Presentation Ceremony ALICE LEAHY said that she accepted the award on behalf of her colleagues and everyone involved at TRUST and said that the work would not be possible without the help and support of a very wide cross section of people.
Describing the TRUST Education Project Alice said that “although we are a small hands on agency providing frontline care to some of the most vulnerable people who walk the streets of Dublin unless we make some effort to make the wider community aware of what is going on the cycle of deprivation and exclusion will continue relentlessly. Our education project grew out of a desire to share our insights and experience. This Award by creating awareness of that will help us to make people more sentsitive to the needs of those who feel excluded and unwanted by society.”